Product Director Base Emergency Communications System (BECS) supports installation force protection, public safety, installation management, and homeland security. BECS manages, engineers, acquires, delivers, and supports CONUS non-tactical Land Mobile Radio (LMR), Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD), Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG-911), First Responder Broadband Network (FRBN) and Enterprise Mass Warning Notification (EMWN).
BECS integrates, modernizes, standardizes, and enhances the Public Safety Communication emergency architecture to align with the Common Transport Layer and Services infrastructure within the greater Unified Network. BECS provides mission command to emergency assets to coordinate response to emergency incidents.
- Land Mobile Radio (LMR) is the Army’s primary voice capability for first responders. LMR provides secure, portable communications; network coverage on/off Army cantonment areas, housing and training areas, and standalone facilities; and interoperability with mission partners.
- Enterprise Mass Warning Notification (EMWN) provides the ability to produce, track, and disseminate information through network alerts, beacons, Giant Voice (outdoor speakers), and telephone alerts for at-risk military communities experiencing no-notice threats, hazards, and other emergencies.
- Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG-911) includes Call Handling System (CHS), infrastructure, Geospatial Information System (GIS), and Location Information Services (LIS).
- NG-911 CHS enables operators and dispatchers to receive Call For Service (CFS) from a person needing emergency response. CHS supports calls routed from Army telephone networks and commercial (non-government) sources via NG-911 Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) to automatically deliver 9-1-1 calls to the designated Army Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
- Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) receives incident data from 911 and other types of CFS; assists the dispatcher in determining the optimal response; and provides dispatch and ongoing incident management support. In addition to NG-911 CHS, CAD systems can interconnect to a variety of approved external sub-systems such as records management systems, LMR, and mobile computing devices, via the First Responder Broadband Network.