Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM) is the foundation for the Army's Zero Trust Roadmap and continued cybersecruity modernization. The Army established ICAM efforts to identify exactly who and what is operating on the network, and what data they are accessing, to ensure no users or assets are provided implicit trust based solely on their physical or network location.
UNO’s ICAM software is composed of both enterprise and tactical operating environment, which enables a user to access to resources whether they are operating at the enterprise or tactical environment. Tactical (T-ICAM) and Enterprise (E-ICAM), when combined, create a single ICAM capability.
- The E-ICAM solution provides services for a user identity directory, granular identity governance, access management, privileged access, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
The application officially launched for FY25, allowing the program to begin migrating large Army systems into the system to eliminate stove-piped and disparate ICAM systems currently implemented throughout the Army.
- E-ICAM establishes a single set of authoritative user identity data and providing a global integrated ICAM platform to manage user access across cloud, on-premises, and supports denied, disconnected, intermittent, and support limited (DDIL) environments when connected on all classification levels.
- T-ICAM is a Software Pathway program that modernizes how Person Entities (PEs) and Non-Person Entities (NPEs) authenticate to and access the tactical network. It enables a greater degree of security for the tactical network, ensuring that that network is available when the commander needs it to operate, congested, contested, battlefield.
- T-ICAM leverages the authoritative identities that already exists on the Enterprise ICAM style to apply them in a tactical environment.
- ICAM Services will be bundled together in a common framework and be distributable and deployable at the point of need across the Army’s Unified Network (UN) and federated with DoD and Mission Partner ICAM capabilities to the greatest extent possible to ensure the Warfighter is provided with a consistent user experience regardless of the operational conditions within the UN.