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Unified Network Operations

The Unified Network Operations (UNO) program focuses on integrating and converging the The UNO program is a key enabler for resilient secure global data exchange and the Army’s on-going network modernization efforts, such as a zero trust security architecture. These tools make it easier for Signal Soldiers (S6/G6) from the tactical edge up through Corps to plan, configure, manage, monitor, control and secure/defend their tactical network assets.  


UNO provides a centralized management and control capability that allows the Army to manage and operate its networks more effectively, while also improving network security and resiliency. It is a key enabler within the Unified Network Plan, which outlines the Army's strategy for modernizing and integrating its networks to support a wide range of mission-critical operations. 

The UNO program is moving towards a singular, intuitive user interface, where Soldiers will be able to conduct endpoint management at a single device that can reach out to all their unit’s different network nodes. This will allow for more streamlined and efficient network management, as well as improved situational awareness and security. The initial integrated suite of software applications for the UNO program aims to integrate existing network operation tools into a simplified, user-friendly capability. This will enable Signal Soldiers - from the tactical edge up through Corps (S6/G6), to plan, manage, monitor, configure, and secure the Army's UNO utilized the Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) pathway to develop and prototype NetOps tools, while supporting Army network modernization goal, and conducting risk reduction efforts for the UNO Program of Record (POR). In 2024, UNO transitioned to multiple software acquisition pathway efforts to rapidly develop prototype and eventually deliver UNO capabilities. 

While in the software acquisition planning phase, the program office initiated a competitive prototyping down-select process, which is a way for the UNO program to identify and evaluate the best commercially available solutions for use in the Army's networks.  The UNO competitive prototyping process is a key part of the Army's network modernization efforts and will help to ensure that the Army has access to the most advanced and effective network management and security tools available.


  • Unified Net Ops (UNO):  Lower Tier Tactical and Upper Tier Tactical are executing Competitive Prototyping, which is a process that allows for the demonstration and evaluation of commercially available solutions in a lab environment. In phase 1, commercially available solutions will be demonstrated and evaluated to conduct a competitive down-select going into Phase 2 of Competitive Prototyping. In Phase 2, selected tools will improve their technologies in an Agile, DevSecOps environment in conjunction with multiple Operational Assessments. Soldier feedback will be incorporated into the design and evaluation process.
  • Ruggedized Applications Platform -Tactical Radios (RAP-TR):  Combines several software applications to a single tactical network management tool to plan, configure, load, and monitor legacy waveforms and advanced networking waveforms in current and future tactical radios. Atom – an easy-to-use, single radio planning and loading tool that supports all of the Army’s tactical radios and four advanced/legacy waveforms simultaneously. 
  • Integrated NetOps Battalion and Below (INB2): Monitors and manages the LTT radio network.