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Secure Wireless
Secure Wireless

The Army’s Secure Wireless systems use the National Security Agency-approved Commercial Solutions for Classified solution to provide secure classified and unclassified Wi-Fi to the Command Post, with prototype capability also enabling vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communication. Secure Wireless provides agility and operational flexibility, enabling commanders and staff to stay securely connected with full situational awareness and mission command capability for the maximum amount of time possible during command post relocation.
By going wireless, command post set up and tear down times are significantly reduced, for increased unit maneuverability, operational flexibility, and survivability. Following command post setup, units can turn on their Secure Wireless and the network will come up first instead of last as with cabling, in minutes instead of hours, and Soldiers can stay connected longer when jumping the command post.   
The logistical burden is also reduced with less cable and protective flooring needed to be transported from location to location. Soldiers can be untethered from their workstations with wireless laptops for improved collaboration.
Command Post Wireless Small Form Factor (CPW SFF) provides secure wireless capability in the command post and other structures, enabling untethered mission command and data exchange through wireless laptops, tablets, and phones. Project Manager Tactical Network fielded a Secure Wireless Campus Wide Local Area Network (CWLAN) upgrade to improve system resiliency, ease of use and reduce setup/tear down times even further, for increased unit mobility and command post survivability.
To improve units' expeditionary command-post capabilities, PEO C3N’s Command Post Integrated Infrastructure (CPI2) modernization efforts will provide mobile, scalable and survivable platforms and further increase command post survivability. Secure Wireless is a key component of this effort and is being integrated on prototype vehicles, enabling Soldiers to pull up to any site and connect to the network in minutes. This enhanced system, known as Secure Wireless Mesh Remote Endpoint (SWMRE), provides a vehicle-to-vehicle wireless connection that enables units to disperse their command post vehicles, making the command post more survivable. PEO C3N is working directly with Soldiers for continual feedback on prototype solutions and progressing toward a fielded solution.
The Army is fielding Secure Wireless to select units across the force including brigade combat teams, divisions and corps. Secure Wireless is also key component of the Army’s Expeditionary Signal Battalion-Enhanced network tool suite, which modernizes the Army’s current ESBs.  
The Mobile Broadband Kit (MBK) is a ruggedized, cloud-managed 3G/4G LTE/5G networking platform designed to provide connectivity across a broad range of network devices. MBK enables all connected devices to push and/or pull both data and position location information to/from the secure cloud via Wi-Fi and cellular. It can be used in a command post or on-the-move for local Wi-Fi bubble without the cellular backhaul enabled.


CPW and SWMRE Capabilities

  • Enables an expeditionary Command Post, significantly reducing Command Post setup and teardown time; eliminates 17 boxes of expensive cable weighing hundreds of pounds
  • Fast and easy set up / tear down for rapid relocation and maneuver
  • Enables commanders and staff to leverage their mission command systems much sooner, resulting in a more accurate and timelier common operating picture, improving military decision process effectiveness and unit survivability.
  • Secure Wireless provides agility and operational flexibility, enabling commanders and staff to stay securely connected with full situational awareness and mission command capability for the maximum amount of time possible.
  • SIPR without Encryption Hardware: National Security Agency (NSA)-approved Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) software-based encryption
  • Transport Agnostic, Multi-Security Enclave Network
  • Works with commercial, Non-secure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR), Secure IPR (SIPR) and coalition networks.
  • Up to 200 Simultaneous laptops connected.