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Communications Security

Product Manager Communications Security (COMSEC) develops, procures, fields, and sustains the Army and Joint Services’ cryptographic mission.  Devices within the portfolio receive, store, generate, manage, and distribute National Security Agency (NSA) Cryptographic Key Material across both the enterprise and tactical environment, securing voice and data networks to the TOP SECRET level across the globe.


COMSEC focus areas include Army Key Management Infrastructure (AKMI) and COMSEC Cryptographic Solutions (CCS). AKMI provides users with an organic key generation capability and a secure, electronic key distribution means to load NSA-generated keys into End Crypto Units (ECUs).  AKMI consists of Management Client (MGC), Automated Communications Engineering Software (ACES), Next Generation Load Device (NGLD) family, and Simple Key Loader (SKL). 

PdM COMSEC is developing the Next Generation Load Device-Medium (NGLD-M), which will replace the SKL and fulfils COMSEC modernization for key loading across the DoD.  The NGLD-M will support stronger cryptographic keys and a more secure method of delivery than the current SKL. These cryptographic key fill devices enable a Soldier to communicate by secure phones, classified computers, and secure VTCs at SECRET, TOP SECRET and other high classification levels. 

PdM COMSEC also develops CCS, which defends all echelons of the Army Network with modern cipher algorithms. 


  • Cryptographic Mission Planner:  Provides ACES crypto network planning; generates Signal Operating Instructions; creates COMSEC key tags. 
  • COMSEC Load DevicesNGLD-Small, SKL and in the future NGLD-M transfer mission critical cryptographic keys fill into ECU devices and tactical radios. 
  • Secure High Assurance Inline Encryption (INE) Link Device:  COMSEC Cryptographic Systems are comprised of INEs, which secure the Army’s data and voice communication networks. INE encryption devices include inline network and inline media, link and trunk, secure voice, and commercial solutions for classified communications.