Product Manager Handheld, Manpack and Small Form Fit (HMS) acquires Non-Developmental Item radio solutions providing affordable networking tactical radio systems that meet operational requirements from the Army. Other customers include the Marine Corps, Navy, and Special Operations Command (SOCOM). HMS products provide state-of-art networking waveforms, provide human factor upgrades over legacy radio solutions, and are interoperable with specified radios within the current force.
Handheld, Manpack and Small Form Fit (HMS) is the total lifecycle manager for tactical radio communication. Paramount to the HMS mission is providing interoperable communications to the tactical edge Warfighter with an on-the-move, at-the-halt and stationary Line of Sight (LOS)/Beyond the Line of Sight (BLOS) capability for both dismounted personnel and platforms. HMS radios provide voice communications as well as support for data services such as text, control graphics, imagery, and video to the tactical edge Warfighter through interoperability with tactical End User Devices (EUDs), and provide Single Channel Data Radios (SCDR), primarily in support of the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS). HMS products enable net-centric operations, operate in multiple bands and multiple modes, and deliver reliable, secure tactical communications. They are network-scalable to meet operational needs and are developed based on reprogrammable modular Software Communications Architecture (SCA), allowing field and depot service to upgrade such features as security and waveforms.
Full Rate Production (FRP) Leader Radio
- AN/PRC-148C(v)6, Two-Channel, Single Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS), Warrior Robust Enhanced Network (WREN) TSM™
- AN/PRC-163(v)2 and AN/PRC-163(v)3, Two-Channel, SINCGARS, TSM™
FRP Generation 2 Manpack Radio
- AN/PRC-158, Two-Channel, Type 1 and Type 2, SRW, MUOS, SINCGARS, SATCOM, WREN TSM™
- AN/PRC-162, Two-Channel, Type 1 and Type 2, SRW, MUOS, SINCGARS, SATCOM, WREN TSM™
Single Channel Data Radios (SCDR)
- Streamcaster Mini 4210 (SM4210), One-Channel, Unclassified Data Only, MN-MIMO
- Domo Tactical Communications Software Defined Radio Individual ODU Cable Variant (DTC-SDR-I_OCV), One-Channel, Unclassified Data Only, MeshUltra
- Simultaneous voice, data and video communications
- Software reprogrammable, enhancing network security and sustainability
- Increased throughput using networking waveforms such as TSM™
- Routing and Retransmission (Crossbanding)
- Increased functionality in a reduced footprint to include Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) improvements, and additional waveforms (e.g. TSM™, WREN TSM™ and legacy TACSAT for the Manpack)
- TACSAT modernized Mobile User Objective Systems (MUOS) for BLOS
- Interoperability with legacy systems and End User Devices (EUD)