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Helicopter and Multi Mission Radios

Helicopter and Multi-Mission Radios (HAMMR) procures tactical communication enhancement equipment, ancillaries, and related services in support of the Army’s Unified Network Plan.

HAMMR provides air-ground interoperability between maneuver ground forces and aviation and is the Army’s program for the Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) concept tactical radio Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) procurement, fielding, and sustainment. HAMMR radio products include all Army Link-16 radios (Ground ADA, Ground Fires, Aviation, and Gateways).

High Frequency (HF) Radios: 

  • The modernized PRC-160 is the Army’s current beyond-line-of-sight software-defined HF radio supporting the Army’s Class II Engineering Change Proposal for ground-based HF requirements to replace the Army’s legacy and obsolete PRC-150 HF ground-based radio. 
  • The PRC-160 meets new NSA crypto-modernization standards, transmits data 10 times faster than the legacy HF radio and is the smallest, lightest and fastest HF Manpack radio systems available.
  • The PRC-160 delivers assured and secure communication solutions at the tactical edge and SATCOM-Denied environments through resilient wideband data rates up to 120 kbps.

Air to Ground Networking Radio (AGNR): AGNR uses Program of Record ground radios and a federated integration approach that will allow aviation to keep pace with technological changes on the ground by FY27. 

  • ANGR maintains air-ground interoperability between maneuver ground forces and Aviation. AGNR will provide commanders enhanced situational awareness and Mission Command to provide a more responsive means of directing aircraft to match changing maneuver forces. 

Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems (MIDS): MIDS Low Volume Terminal (LVT) (2/11) is the DoD’s primary Link 16 tactical data link network, which provides interoperability, situational awareness and support for air and missile defense operations at division through corps.

  • MIDS Joint Tactical Radio System (Ground Variant) builds upon and will ultimately displace MIDS LVT with a software defined radio solution that introduces modernized Link16 networking.

Next Generation Survival Radio (NGSR): NGSR replaces the current CSEL radio capabilities with a smaller, handheld form factor that meets current cryptographic modernization efforts, enhanced user functionality, and increased survivability. 

Rotary Wing Contingency Communications (RWCC): RWCC provides a COTS SATCOM/Cellular Internet communications capability for rotary wing aircraft enabling accredited fly-away kits to conduct Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) calls up to the TS/SCI level.

C5ISR Modular Open Suite of Standards Mounted Form Factor (CMFF) Radio Cards: CMFF is the Army’s effort to more easily and rapidly equip ground vehicles and aviation platforms with warfighting capability cards plugged into a common chassis to reduce space and increase performance. 

  • Will leverage analog and digital radio heads to provide radio front ends and antennas, typically mounted on the vehicle’s exterior. 
  • Future designs will address Communications Security (COMSEC) and Transmission Security (TRANSEC) requirements of various waveforms with the Cryptographic Subsystem (CSS) card.